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  • 1、出国留学申请的文书应该怎么写?
  • 2、如何申请出国留学?
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    这是一类非常典型的文书,即Why us类要求回答为什么选择我校的文章。


    Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why.


    At a college visit this year, I met a Columbia alumnus named Ayushi, whose stories helped me develop a thorough understanding of Columbia. Ayushi told me that Columbia funded both her summer trip to Syria to interview refugees and her seed money for a start-up she launched. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I’m impressed by a university that encourages students to pursue their own independent creations instead of simply offering the option to work on faculty projects. Columbia’s four entrepreneurship organizations, among them the Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs, provide a dynamic start-up community for me to launch my own business.

    In addition, when I explored Columbia online, the emphasis put on interdisciplinary studies particularly excited me. The Columbia Engineering website is rich with stories of engineering students who are also involved in Shakespeare troupes, service projects, and multicultural groups. In my opinion, diverse experiences are the foundation of creative thinking. At Columbia, I will continue to diversify my experiences by not just joining the Parliamentary Debate Team, but also by making new friends on the intramural soccer field and starting a cultural club for Italian heritage students who wish to learn more about Italian history, language, food, and current events.

    Columbia Engineering stands uniquely apart from other programs by incorporating several in-depth humanities and writing classes into the graduation requirements. I believe that looking at critical issues with an open mind and sophisticated grasp of the humanities is extremely important to being an engineer. For example, I could not imagine exploring the future of quantum cryptography without considering the political ripple effects of Edward Snowden, the moral ramifications of the quantum encryption revolution, and the relationship between technology and income inequality. I am confident that I will thrive in the Columbia culture of passionate engagement and vibrant, energetic conversation.




    作者没有陷落在单一的赞美里,而是趁机写了自己的热情(entrepreneur、各种intellectual interests)联系学校特点对自己专业、职业发展的好处来表达契合。

    作者没有限制于对自己过去和哥伦比亚目前的美好期望中,而是心机地承诺学校自己未来到哥伦比亚会带来的贡献(cultural club ,parliament debate team)。



    1. 选择学校、专业和课程。检查相关课程的录取条件,比如平均分,语言成绩等。

    2. 根据学校官方网站的申请要求来准备相应的材料。这些材料包括但不限于:护照、语言成绩、毕业证、学位证、成绩单、存款证明。所有的中文文件需要到公证处进行公证并翻译,以确保文件真实可靠。

    3. 把所有文件上传至学校的在线申请网站上。等待审批。这时候会有两种情况,一种情况是你已经取得了合格的语言成绩,另一种情况是你暂时还没有考到合格的语言成绩。

    4. 接受录取通知书。根据上一步的两种情况,你会收到两种录取通知书:有条件录取(Conditional Offer)和无条件录取通知书。如果收到有条件录取通知书,那么你需要在最后决定前把语言成绩考下来,或者申请相应的语言班。

    5. 填写录取通知书。整个申请过程是一个双向选择的形式,你可能申请了很多学校,给你录取通知书的学校表明它们愿意录取你。这个时候你挑选一个你最心仪的学校,来填写录取通知书。填写之后通过学校网站上传电子版。等待学校发放录取确认信(Confirmation of Enrollment)。

    6. 拿到录取确认信后,用它申请留学签证。提供申请签证所需的所有材料。

    7. 拿到留学签证之后,整个申请才算成功。
